Visions of Guadalupe: Image and Sound

Selected date

Friday October 20

Selected time

7:00 PM  –  9:00 PM

Voices of Silicon Valley, a semi-professional, South Bay choral group, will present “Visions of Guadalupe: Image and Sound.” The program honors the artistic achievements and life-long activism of Yolanda López, currently on view in Yolanda López: Portrait of the Artist. The performance will include the world premiere of a new, original five-part composition for instruments and vocals by artistic director Dr. Cyril Deaconoff.

Entitled “Visions of Guadalupe,” the piece is set to the words of a beautiful 17th century poem by Mexican writer, composer and visionary Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz, whose work was astonishingly brave for the time, affirming the rights of women and gender equality. Intended to reflect on the connections between music, art and imagery, the program will also include short pieces by well-known composers Kaija Saariaho, Pamela Z, and Flannery Cunningham.


